Get information about Delivery of Service offer provided by LABGeM in the context of the MicroScope platform, and initiate a new
Delivery of Service for data submission & integration.
Request DataBank submission
( Not available for others than project leaders )
Use this contact form to request files for submission to the ENA/EMBL (European Nucleotide Archive) public databank.
In addition to the «Help» functionality available at any level of the MicroScope interface, this tool gives an access to a
complete tutorial which explains most of the functionalities proposed in MicroScope.
This page presents some collaborative projects based on MicroScope.
They contain a curated set of genomes with additional experimental data to explore specific biological questions.
The LABGeM team regularly organizes professional trainings on the MicroScope platform. These training sessions take place at the
Genoscope, or can be organized elsewhere on-demand (and only if a training room equiped with terminals allowing to work efficiently
on Internet is available). Use this link for further information about the training program, dates, administrative procedures and
the prices.
Get the complete list of the MicroScope related publications.
Get information about research and service activities of the LABGeM, «
Laboratoire d'Analyses Bioinformatiques pour la Génomique et le Métabolisme ».
Use this contact form to ask for information, resolve scientific problems, inform us about client-side issues,
or give suggestions about the MicroScope platform. We ask you to fill in all sections, as this will help us to respond to your message efficiently
as quickly as possible.
Get quotes from long-date users of the MicroScope platform.
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